FPB UMY Held Campus and Company Visitation to Japan

July 6, 2018, oleh: superadmin

On June 25th, 2018, Dr Suryanto and Dedi Suryadi Ph.D as the Dean and Vice Dean for Academic, Research, and Publication, Faculty of Language Education Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta went to Hiroshima City, Japan. In this agenda, the Dean and Vice Dean of Faculty of Language Education would be held some activities in order to develop collaboration between Faculty of Language Education especially Japanese Language Education Department and University and also company in Japan. This agenda took three days on July 26th to 29th 2018.
In this occasion, Faculty of Language Education visited Hiroshima University. Besides doing the campus visitation, this FPB agenda was also as an initiation to have collaboration with Hirokawa Enath Company. It was aimed to improve the collaboration between Faculty of Language Education and the company.
Faculty of Language Education tried to enhance the collaboration with several companies in Japan by having observation of internship place for Faculty of Language Education students at Hirokawa Enath, Hiroshima, Japan. Its purpose to facilitate the Faculty of Language Education students, especially PBJ students to apply and improve their knowledge in Japanese Language.