Didit Haryadi - PBI
Didit Haryadi - PBIS-2 di Thailand
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I was taught and guided by highly intellectual, experienced, and supportive teachers who inspire me to be independent and build the strong work ethic needed in college and the workplace. Generally, I’ve gained so much knowledge and experience as well as passion in areas in which I never thought I’d be interested. Lastly and most importantly, PBI UMY was one of the best decisions in my life.
Oktari Firda Hibatullah - PBI
Oktari Firda Hibatullah - PBIMaster Teacher English Freelance in Ruangguru
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My classes were always engaging and dynamic; the programs were bonded for both students’ further careers and studies. Beyond the classroom, the support and community available in this department is supreme! I am thrilled for all of the experiences I had, the friends I made and the skills I developed at PBI UMY. Never have enough good words to describe my times here!
Rizki Maulina Handini - PBJ
Rizki Maulina Handini - PBJTenaga Pengajar di LPK JLMC
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Angkatan 2013, lulusan 2017 saat ini sedang melanjutkan studi S-2 di Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia sekaligus sebagai tenaga pengajar
Arief Bahtiar Rifai - PBA
Arief Bahtiar Rifai - PBAPengajar
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Di PBA UMY belajar bukan hanya membaca referensi sebagai akademisi saja tetapi belajar keberanian juga dibutuhkan untuk masa depan maka semua itu ada di PBA UMY. PBA luar biasa menjadikan saya istimewa.
Moh. Fahrul Rozi - PBA
Moh. Fahrul Rozi - PBAStaff BMT UMY
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Selama menempuh pendidikan di PBA UMY banyak pengalaman yang didapatkan baik akademik maupun non akademik. Para dosen memberikan ruang kepada mahasiswa untuk terus menggali potensi diri sehingga setelah lulus tidak hanya berbekal mengajar tetapi juga peran sosial yang diterapkan dalam lingkungan masyarakat.